My Six Months with JC-SATH

Author: Hasiba, Research Assistant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The author is a Researcher at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in the field of Public Health. She has a master's degree from Pakistan in Engineering and is a member of the Pakistan Engineering Council.
This is Hasiba Munir. I originate from the 3rd largest city in Pakistan, namely Faisalabad, a nation with ~220 million people in South Asia. I came to this spectacular city (Hong Kong) in 2021. Though the city was a bit different than I expected due to the recent global emergency, it still does not fail to mesmerize me. After exploring the city in my initial days, I wished to look for some opportunities to get myself engaged in some interesting activities. That is how I ended up knowing about an open position at JC-SATH project at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Being a Masters’s degree holder, this academic/research-associated activity-based position clicked with me and I wanted to give it a try. After going through the formal interview procedures, I was thrilled to know that I am being offered to work as a Research Assistant at one of the top universities in the world. Since then, it’s been almost 6 months and I have been carrying out several duties in my job. Due to the focus JC-SATH on the health of minorities in Hong Kong, I am always excited about my work as it gives me the sense to contribute to the well-being of the community. One of the important aspects of my work at JC-SATH is to interact with a number of community members from minority groups to explore different insights related to their health awareness, facilities, and accessibility. Such interaction with minority groups gives me an opportunity to connect with the community and to know more about the root-level causes and factors of health-related challenges faced by the minorities. These challenges are being addressed based on scientific grounds by the amazing team JC-SATH, which always encourages me to go further and contribute with the best I can. I wish to continue doing such valuable and helpful work in the near future along with my peers for communal wellbeing.
[The blog content is the opinion of the author and does not represent the position of Jockey Club S.A.T.H. Project for Healthy Families. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the post.]